Complete 16 core courses.
• Ten of the 16 core courses must be completed before the seventh semester (senior year) of high school.
• Seven of the 10 core courses must be in English, math or natural/physical science.
Earn a core-course GPA of at least 2.300.
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching the core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale (see back page).
Graduate high school.
College-bound student-athletes may practice, compete and receive an athletics scholarship during their first year of full-time enrollment at an NCAA Division I school.
College-bound student-athletes will not be able to practice, compete or receive an athletics scholarship during their first year of full-time enrollment at an NCAA Division I school.
Complete 16 core courses.
Earn a core-course GPA of at least 2.000.
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching the core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale (see back page).
Graduate high school.
College-bound student-athletes may receive an athletics scholarship during their first year of full-time enrollment and may practice during their first regular academic term, but may NOT compete during their first year of enrollment.
Please review the international initial-eligibility flyer for information and academic requirements specific to international student-athletes.
Complete 16 core courses in the appropriate areas.
Earn a core-course GPA of at least 2.200.
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching the core-course GPA on the Division II full qualifier sliding scale.
Submit proof of graduation to the Eligibility Center.
College-bound student-athletes enrolling
at an NCAA Division II school need to meet these academic requirements to practice, compete and receive an athletics scholarship in their first year of full-time enrollment.
College-bound student-athletes enrolling at an NCAA member school Aug. 1, 2021, or later, that do not meet Division II full qualifier standards will be deemed a partial qualifier. All Division II partial qualifiers may receive an athletics scholarship and practice during their first year of full-time enrollment at a Division II school, but may NOT compete.
Please review the international initial-eligibility flyer for information and academic requirements specific to international student-athletes.
There are no NCAA course requirements for Division III eligibility!! HOWEVER NCAA academic requirements stat that all students who attend the school must meet the same criteria as set forth by their admission departments.
Have equal opportunity and access as the general student body to financial aid based on merit and need – but are not awarded aid based on athletics leadership, ability, performance or participation.
If you will graduate from a U.S. high school this spring and enroll in college this coming fall, the requirements are simple. An entering freshman must:
Be a graduate of an accredited high school.
Meet two of the three following requirements. If as an entering freshman you do
not meet at least two of the three standards.
Achieve a minimum of 18 on the ACT or 970 on the SAT
Achieve a minimum overall high school GPA average of 2.0 (4.0 scale)
Graduate in the top 50% of your high school class
Mid-Year Eligibility Opportunity. If you do not meet requirements for an entering freshman, you can satisfy one of the initial requirements in addition to earning 12 institutional credits hours with a grade of “C” or better during your first term of attendance at your NAIA school to be eligible.
Learning disabilities. Students with diagnosed learning disabilities, who do not meet the freshman eligibility requirements, may have their academic profiles reviewed reviewed by the NAIA Learning Disability Advisory Committee at the request of an NAIA institution. The LDAC will then provide recommendations to the National Eligibility Committee to assist with a final decision.